Saturday, October 29, 2016

Semaine 9

Le vieil homme de la forêt

Chanson "Les animaux de la forêt"

Les vendredis, les enfants emportent leurs livres de bibliothèque à la maison.  Inutile de trop charger les cartables :
pas de manuel de français le vendredi, pas de cahiers de chinois et pas de cahier d'anglais les jours de français ni de cahier de français les jours d'anglais.  Pensons aux dos des enfants.

 Explication en photos :  (Photos dans le courant de la semaine)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


本年度主題是... 瘋狂實驗室!
L'Halloween arrive à grand pas ! Le vendredi 28 octobre les élèves sont invités de se déguiser. Le thème de cette année est la science en folie, mais les sorcières, vampires et d'autres personnages sont aussi les bienvenus !
Halloween is coming to TES! On Friday 28th October, students are invited to dress up. The suggested theme at EPC this year is Mad Science - although witches, vampires and other Halloween creatures are of course welcome too!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week 9

Week 9 was a fun and busy week. We had a wonderful outing to Xin Fu Liao farm - the photos are on Facebook

In English, everyone is taking reading books home nightly and the spelling tests are going well. This week we'll be learning about sentence writing and starting our first sentence dictations in two weeks time. 

We started learning about alternative spellings in CP2 today by looking at the letter Y. We know it makes a /y/ sound at the beginning and in the middle of words, but things get a little more complicated when it is at the end. Have a look in the lesson book for the rules or have a look at this song. 

In Maths, we're almost done with tens and units (already!) and are moving on to looking at what happens when we add tens or units to a number.

Remember that everything we do in class has set tasks on studyladder to reinforce it. Here are this week's certificate winners from CP2.

and the CP1 certificates

In Art, we're learning about Piet Mondrian, geometry (how to use a ruler to draw rectangles and squares) and primary colours. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 8

We had a busy week of taste for week 8. I am sure by now you have seen the photos on Facebook and on your children's Seesaw accounts.

We'll be consolidating sounds as we move on with spelling, reading and writing until Christmas and we'll be learning some exceptions and alternative spellings for sounds we have learnt so far. Please keep practising the spelling words at home.

This week in Maths, we'll be looking at tens and units and we'll be looking at what happens to a number when we add or subtract units to it.

Tens and units lesson

Numbers from 1-9 have one place value, called the units place.

Numbers from 10-99 have two place values: a tens place and a units 

place. The tens place always comes first.

We can break a number down into tens 
and units using blocks.

 A long rod of 10 units stuck together shows 10.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Semaine 8

Une semaine du gout bien pleine et reussie.
Cette semaine, nous commencons a utiliser Seesaw, pour lequel vous trouverez une feuille dans le carnet de correspondance de votre enfant.  Je mettrai les photos de la semaine du gout dans les dossiers des enfants, mais cela me prendra un peu de temps, ce sera fait progressivement dans le courant de la semaine.  En voici quand meme quelques unes en attendant :

Un tout grand merci aux parents 
qui ont permis de faire de cette semaine un moment inoubliable pour les enfants.

Voici l'histoire "Charlotte et le croque-mioche" a ecouter a la maison.

Bonnes vacances!

 (Probleme d'ordinateur -  les accents seront mis plus tard - desolee)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 7

The week was truncated by 2 days, so we didn't get everything done as planned. We're playing catch up this week and getting some cooking done! It'll be a busy one. (Remember you can follow the Semaine du Gout adventures on the FB album)

We'll finish the review of the 42 phonic sounds in CP2 on Wednesday. In CP1, they'll be finished on Thursday.

Here are the songs for the last group of sounds.

If you have any doubts about what the sounds should sound like, you can find them here.

Both CP classes are working on daily spelling tests. We practise the words at school the day before, please practise them at home too, so that the kids are ready for their test.

We also finished our review of numbers from 1-100 this week. We'll be moving on to place value and number operations this week and continuing with that after the holidays.

Parents will get the Seesaw login details by the end of this week, as the typhoon days slowed us down a little with our roll out. 

In Art, it was CP1's turn to draw their self-portraits.

More pics on Seesaw!

And Grace and Viv celebrated their September birthdays!